
After moving into my new home, I've been wanting to see if I could capture and track power data from my solar inverter into a dashboard with cool graphs.

The solar inverter that came with the house is a Delta Solivia 5.0 APG3 (EOE46010301). When I first looked at the bottom I saw the "RS485" ports and got excited at the idea of integrating it into my smart home.

My solar inverter Delta Solivia

My solar inverter Delta Solivia

The goal

My main goal is I want to see cool graphs about the solar panels, because I am a big nerd. Graphs like these ones.

Home Assistant power usage graphs

My 2nd goal is that I want to be able to track the performance of the solar panels.

  • Notice solar panels dying or dropping in performance.
  • Show how much the solar power improves after cleaning the panels.

Off-the-shelf solutions

There are some solutions proided by Delta themselves.

Delta Service Software (DSS)

Delta have some Windows PC software that will let your computer talk to an inverter with a focus on maintenance (diagnosis, firmware updating, etc).

Delta Service Software screenshot

I wasn't able to test this approach because it required a login for the Delta EMEA Partner Portal.

Also, I don't want to have a full-on Windows machine just to pull data from the inverter. I'm thinking smaller and less power-hungry.

Delta Solivia Gateway

Delta do make a solution for connecting to Delta Solivia inverters over wifi.

Guide on using the Delta Gateway to monitor inverters.

Delta Gateway

Delta Gateway connection diagram

However, the Solivia Gateway comes with a couple of problems that I'm not happy with.

  • Is not sold anymore.
  • It relies on an external website and provider, I want everything to be local to my own network.
  • Focus appears to be on business-to-customer usage, instead of the customer using it on their own devices.
  • The external website is in German by default.

Here are some screenshots.
Delta Gateway screenshot
Delta Gateway screenshot
Delta Gateway screenshot

Building my own

I'm not happy with the existing solutions available, so I'm going to try building my own.

Ideally, I'd like to use a wifi controller of some kind to talk to the inverter, and then push data back to Home Assistant over MQTT messages. From there, Home Assistant can do the dashboards and cool graphs.

My plan diagram


I found a number of really good sources of information.

Fantastic discussion on the Whirlpool forums where people wanted to pull data from their inverters. This thread is amazing, I wouldn't have been able to get this far without it.

Public RS485 Protocol 1V2. Solivia RS485 protocol guide. Another fantastic resource that I could not have done without.
Public RS485 Protocol 1V2 - download RS485 Protocol 1V2.pdf

Discussion on the Home Assistant community, someone wanted to pull data from a Delta Solivia gateway (not the inverter itself). Still some good info there.

A blog post from a Dutch author about creating a Python program on a mini Linux stick that plugs into their inverter. Has a lot of good technical detail in it.

Manual for Delta Solivia 5.0 AP G3 Solar Inverter.

Delta Service Software to talk to your inverter from your PC.

Blog article about using an ESP8266 to get data from a Delta inverter. ESP code is very old, but still some interesting information.

Existing projects

A quick shout out to projects that have already had a go at pulling data from a Delta Solivia inverter. I didn't end up using them because their either were Python-only (won't work on a microcontroller) or didn't work with my inverter.

delta-rpi. What I based most of my work on. Only works for RPI inverters.

DeltaPVOutput. The first project, seems to be what a lot of the other GitHub projects are based on.

soliviamonitor. Didn't work for me, version of python was too old and installing python 2.7 still didn't make it work.

solivia_esphome. Custom UART sensor for ESPHome.

Understanding the Delta Solivia connection

The connection to the Delta Solivia inverter is an RS485 serial connection. It uses an Ethernet RJ45 connector, but only uses 3 pins: Ground, TX_A, and RX_B.

The default baud rate is 19200, but check your inverter's configuration in case the baud rate has been changed.

Delta inverter RS485 wiring

Some quick RS485 facts:

  • Usually at a higher voltage e.g. 12v.
  • Uses serial communication, typically in bytes (0-255).
  • Doesn't have "transmit" and "receive" lines, the 2 lines go opposite each other. This greatly reduces noise on the connection and allows RS485 to cover great distances in electrically noisy environments.

RS485 transmission voltages
(RS485 voltages during transmission, from

RS485 has no flow control, which means that devices both send and receive over the same wire and a collision will occur if things are 2 things are sending at the same time over the connection. CRC integrity checks are important when using RS485 to ensure that something wasn't messed up due to a collision.

Here is the overall protocol layout Delta inverters.

  • Addresses are between 1 and 254
  • The checksum is a CRC16 checksum. How to do CRC checks in Arduino, ESP8266, and other chips
  • The slave answer with NAK only if the command or subcommand is invalid.
  • The slave answer to a valid writing command with the ACK frame and the data value is the internal slave data. If the slave receives a value out of the internal limits it will ignore the received data and set the internal value according to the allowed limits.

Protocol characters

Character ASCII (hex) Code Description
STX 0x02 Message start
ETX 0x03 Message end
ENQ 0x05 Link request (Master only)
ACK 0x06 Slave accepting link (Slave only)
NAK 0x15 Slave not accepting link / error / invalid request (Slave only)

Master to slave

Byte# Data byte Description
1 'STX' Start of protocol
2 'ENQ' Master sending a request
3 address Address of target device
4 # of bytes Number of bytes incl. data, cmd, and subcmd
5 command Command to send to slave
6 sub command Sub command to send to slave
N data N bytes of data
N+1 CRC low byte Low byte of checksum
N+2 CRC high byte High bytes of checksum
N+3 'EXT' End of protocol

Slave response with acknowledge to master

Byte# Data byte Description
1 'STX' Start of protocol
2 'ACK' Slave acknowledging
3 address Address of slave device
4 # of bytes Number of bytes incl. data, cmd, and subcmd
5 command Repeat of command
6 sub command Repeat of sub command
N data N bytes of data
N+1 CRC low byte Low byte of checksum
N+2 CRC high byte High bytes of checksum
N+3 'EXT' End of protocol

Slave response with no acknowledge to master
Eg. There was an error.

Byte# Data byte Description
1 'STX' Start of protocol
2 'NAK' Slave acknowledging
3 address Address of slave device
4 # of bytes Number of bytes, should always be 2 for NAK (no data)
5 command Repeat of command
6 sub command Repeat of sub command
7 CRC low byte Low byte of checksum
8 CRC high byte High bytes of checksum
9 'EXT' End of protocol

Here's some useful commands:

CMD S-CMD Description
0x00 0x00 Identify inverter incl. variant number
0x00 0x40 Get software version. Response is inverter-specific, depends on variant
0x60 0x01 Get measurement and statistic data
0x60 0x20 Get configuration and setup data

My prototype

I understood the theory, so I whacked together a prototype to see if I could do it. I used:

  • a Raspberry Pi 3 B+
  • a cheap USB RS485 adapter
  • a short ethernet cable with one end cut off

I cut the head off a short Cat-5 ethernet cable and stripped a little insulation off the wires. My network cable was Type-A and I connected the ethernet wires to the RS485 adapter this way:
GND - stripe blue
TX_A - stripe brown
RX_B - orange

USB RS485 wiring

RJ45 ethernet cable into the RS485 port

To prove that it worked, I was using the delta-rpi GitHub project to try and talk to my inverter.

usage: [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-d DEVICE] [-b BAUDRATE]
                                      [-t TIMEOUT] [--debug]

$ python3 ./ --debug -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -a 1 master

I ran into an issue where I kept getting the error struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 158 bytes but I fixed that (below).

It works! I can pull stats and data from the inverter!

SAP part number                                b'EOE46010301'
SAP serial number                        b'220301081423017703'
SAP data code                                     b'31343233'
SAP revision                                          b'3038'
Software revision ac control                            01.00 MA,MI
Software revision dc control                            01.00 MA,MI
Software revision display                               01.00 MA,MI
Software revision ens control                           01.00 MA,MI
Solar current at input 1                                 56.0 A
Solar voltage at input 1                                  240 V
Solar isolation resistance at input 1                   10000 kOhm
Solar current at input 2                                 72.0 A
Solar voltage at input 2                                  241 V
Solar isolation resistance at input 2                   10000 kOhm
AC current                                              116.0 A
AC voltage                                                246 V
AC power                                                 2824 W
AC frequency                                           5009.0 kOhm

Issue - struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of … bytes

While trying to use delta-rpi, I kept running into this error:

struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 158 bytes

I could see that messages were being sent to and from the inverter, what was wrong?

The answer was that the Python function struct.unpack required the exact number of bytes specified, and more than 158 bytes of data was being sent by my inverter.

The cause was a revelation: the "Measurement and statistics" payload structure is different between each model. delta-rpi was written for an RPI series inverter, not my Solivia 5.0 APG3 inverter. The response payload was different.

The "measurement and statistics" payload was different depending on the "variant" of the inverter. The response for the "identify yourself" request cmd 0x00 subcmd 0x00 was:

Raw: 223f536f6c69766961352e3041502d4733002c
String: "?Solivia5.0AP-G3\x00,
(yes, with a comma at the end, I don't know what that means)

I don't fully understand the response structure, but I do know:

Byte # Data Description
1 34 (0x22) variant number (not exact)
2 63 (0x3F) variant number (more accurate)
3+ Solivia5.0AP-G3 Model name as a string, null-terminated
-1 , (0x2C) ???

I got it working after I found the data structure for the "Measurement and Statistics" payload in the "Public RS485 Protocol 1V2.pdf" doc and rewrote that part of the python script to match.

Variant lookup

Now it works like a charm. Yea boi!

What's next?

Up next is to make something on an wifi microcontroller (ESP8266) and integrate it with my smart home controller Home Assistant. Bonus points if I can get the wifi microcontroller to host a basic web page where I can see information about the inverter, maybe even control it a little.