Update set entries (sys_update_xml)

An Update set is made of Customer updates which is the snapshots of record as they get changed.

Update set form with updates

To search for changes to a record:

  1. Copy the sys_id of the record you want to find update sets for (except for changes to a field [sys_dictionary] or field choices [sys_choice], see below).
  2. Open a list of "Customer updates" [sys_update_xml] by typing "sys_update_xml.list" into the navigator search then pressing ENTER.
  3. Apply a filter to search for changes.

If it's not for a field on a table or choice list, search "Name ENDS WITH (sys_id of your record)".

Update search by sys_id

If It's for a field on a table [sys_dictionary] or a field choice [sys_choice], search "Name ENDS WITH (field name)".

Update search by field name

If in doubt, try searching the "Target name" field. You just might find the answer you're looking for.

Update search by name

Version (sys_update_version)

A Version [sys_update_version] is created whenever a configuration is changed. It helps capture a version of the record including a snapshot of the record, and you can even revert back to a specific version.

We can use them to try to find the update set related to the change was made.

Here's a screenshot of the Versions related list at the bottom of the default Business Rule form. Note the Source column which is the update set the version was captured in.

List of versions for a business rule